
Some common problems that require simple fixes are presented below for troubleshooting. If you experience an issue that is not covered here or if the suggested actions do not resolve the problem, please  contact us to receive assistance, we're here to help!  The following section provides links to user guides on various troubleshooting related topics, which is then followed by another list of common questions and issues.

User Guides

Common Questions

There is no power output or electric output from the piezo when it is being strained. The piezo is most likely not properly connected. Ensure that the two copper pads on the piezo product are properly connected.  This is most reliably done if you check the capacitance.  If you are reading a capacitance than no output may be a sign of a broken or damaged.
There is no motion from the piezo when driving it. Like above, it may be due to not being properly connected to the piezo.  This is most reliably done if you check the capacitance.  If you are reading a capacitance than no output may be a sign of a broken or damaged.
The piezo appears damaged. Piezos can be damaged from being overstrained, too high a voltage or current, and high temperatures.  Checking the capacitance is always a good way to first understand if it is broken, a damaged piezo will show a reduced capacitance to what it had had initially.  Be careful to operate the piezo within it's intended environment.